Sunday, September 23, 2001
Things fall apart in Calgary, 1969. See where "North of 60" is filmed, then grow up as a feral kid in the mountains of the North Shore. Visit Saskatchewan often; drink ginger ale at smoky bingo games held in Elk lodges, scratch your mosquito bites until they bleed. Take the ferry to Victoria and decide to grow roots like the twisted Garry Oaks that frighten small children at night. Leave the country to form an appreciation for warm showers, cold beer. Return to Vancouver, sell love to lonely people. Get in a car and drive to Montreal, keeping a record of wildlife: mountain goats, two black bear, dead deer, moose. Loue un appartement et fais ta maitrise. Vote in the referendum. Drive as west as the water and buy a small, bat-faced dog. Try your hand at film, then animation, then cops, then wakeboarding, then stuckedness. Love often, unwisely.

Underwire is:
located in Vancouver
addicted to palak paneer
an introvert with extrovert tendencies
supposed to be working on something other than this
disgusted by feet
often content with the general course of things


Scribo, ergo acerbitus.

09/23/2001 - 09/30/2001 /

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